crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary



And 7 months later the druiding season is done.

I picked up bartending last week. My hope is to improve my lacking social skills.

The season is winding down and I'm not feeling that void. So far so good.

The last 7 months have been good for me. Saved up a little cash, did some traveling, made more friends.

The only issue I see is with the family. There's been a rift starting at the time the youngest and one of the brother's moved away. Mom's cancer is in limbo. The little nephews 4 and still has troubles with speaking.

But, we move on.

Happy? Sure. Its a thing more often than not. Sad, not so much. I'm content...ish. Fulfilled is more like it.

Existential dread is a bitch.


6:19 p.m. - 2017-11-05


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