crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little more. Yo, Its been a very long time since I've properly updated. I'm in an odd spot. Less odd and a bit more the same. That spot. Where thoughts tend to spiral. Fluttering from one to an other. You feel like your under some falls. Cascading. Living day by day has started to melt together. Those falls are making quite a bit of white noise. Obscuring my surroundings and making it difficult to take hold of things. Of thoughts and goals. Of moments and relationships. At times I'm left reluctant. Occasionally unfulfilled and seemingly transient. That existential dread is popping its head around again. Oh, hi. I've staved it off for a while, yah? Its never been gone. Its just here to remind me to look within. These last 2 years have at least allowed me to build a foundation. Family close as ever. Friends. I strove to be more intentional and sincere. I see that with the company I keep. I do see where this started. I guess I could thank K. That's it for now. ~good 9:13 p.m. - 2024-09-18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |