crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary



"Can I still be brooding?"

"Well ~good...Why the fudge would you start thinking like that?"

"I dunno. I mean, I haven't done it for a while, I figured it'd be good if I did something like that every once in a while"

"~good. You probably shouldn't start. You'll only get your head stuck in a loop."

"I suppose so."

"Hey. If you ever feel the need to do it, give me a call."


Yeah, that just happened.

I convinced myself out of self brooding. I think...Perhaps its just me. I'll sit here with these nice tunes. Tunes, I haven't listened to for a while. Tunes, that make my spirit soar. At least for a bit.

I land. I come back. And here I am. Stranded. I think about the friends I have. The friends I've had. Should I start evaluate? Lets not. They are good and some were good while they lasted. You'll do what you want, however destructive it may be. In that moment it just seemed right. That's why you did it. Sure things could have turned out better. But hey. "se la vie". Smile. Be happy with your healthy/unhealthy self. Live for those special moments. You'll know them when they pass. If you're lucky you'll it'll leave a sweet after taste. :)

Its almost that time of year. I hope you recall what happened last year around this time, if you don't its recorded here somewhere. I'm excited for the unknown.

I leave you with this bit of inspiration.

It's been a good day. Thanks.


2:58 a.m. - 2014-04-16


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