crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Day venturing with T

I think its about that time again. (Blink) (Blink) (Blink)

It's another Tea Day.

On this day I decided to change things up a bit. I took a hit of Acid before I left the house. I stopped and pondered a bit.

"Hmmm.~good, do you think this is a good idea?"

"Sure! This will make for an interesting day for tea."

"But that previous weekend was pretty hard on your body."

"How about we flip a coin?"

"Well, okay we'll toss a coin to see what we'll do."

I get a phone call from my mom. She reminds me to make sure I've taken the vegetables to a cool area so they don't over heat. I come back inside and I forget what I was going to do.

"That's right! I was going on a trip!"

I take the cube and fold my tongue over. I could feel my saliva pool around the cube and slowly eat it away.

I stopped by the park and looked around. It was really a beautiful day. It was about 7:45 P.M. The humidity dropped and the air had that nice crisp feeling. There were people scattered along the grass and families around the wooden play area. I took a deep breathe and nothing. No apparent placebo effect. I felt an increase of blood circulation to my hands and feet. My pulse was a little higher than my average resting heart rate. With this in my I continued with my quest to get tea.

Upon my arrival of the establishment, I felt some what disembodied. My depth perception was slightly off. I lurched over the counter and made my order.

"Damn ~good. Get your stuff together. Its only been 45 minutes."

I made camp in a booth and started to make myself feel comfortable. Napkins set. Salt and pepper shakers lined up. Bottles of mustard and ketchup aligned. Napkin dispenser centered to the table.


I repeated this process until I had a nice rhythm to my breathing. Slowly. Ever so slowly. My mind started to open.

I was in HD. I could feel my pupils dilating. I took off my glasses for a moment. I looked at the lights and realized my eyes were constantly refocusing on the halos of light around the fixtures, making it seem like the light bulbs had a pulse.

Did I mention I made a playlist for today?

That song blew my mind. I was hearing things I've never noticed before. There was a profound feeling of ecstasy when hearing those minute hallow echos and small reverberations for the first time.

The ambient sounds of this song started to make my surroundings shimmer like a mirage off in the horizon. Very pleasant.

It was then I knew I was in full swing.

More ambient songs were played and more tea was had. At one point the tea felt as thick and viscous as maple syrup running down my throat. I smiled and noted this sensation.

I exited the shoppe and I wondered how I would do in social setting.

I stumble my way in to that bar. Saw some familiar faces and listened to some horrible karaoke.

"Should I?

I chuckled at the thought of singing while tripping in front of all these strangers. BUAHAHAHAHA. I laugh now as I type.

This night was different. I think acid would be a way to go. I don't think I can handle shrooms in those types of settings.

Well its the day after and those experiences left me wondering about my actions and my choices of the night. You know that sense of self that I always seem to question? So here I am. Still kinda tripping from the previous day. I still get some visuals if I focus on textured areas.

Me. I. I. I. Me. Shit, I'm a pretty selfish person. Am I being too hard on myself? I don't know. I'm not one to judge. But then again does the reader have enough evidence to make or agree with a decision? I want to say my only redeeming quality is my constant of humbleness and appreciation. Its something I don't lose even while I'm tripping. I was suppose to stop for a bit. Stop going so hard. I wonder what egged me on? Was I jones'n for that next high I decided to drop a tab? I should know better. I know I wasn't yearning for it. But was I? Maybe I didn't even know it.

Here I go. Still partially adventuring and getting myself thinking in a loop. I'm sorry for doing that to you. *(wink)

Well, that's it for now

The market is calling me.

Goodnight ladies and gentlemen,


12:43 p.m. - 2013-08-08


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