crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




Well, It seems that things are going okay. I have a Girlfriend and a job. I'm doing alright in school. I am more out spoken in class and I ask for help when I need it. My life is turning around. I'm going to start a savings or a debit account soon, so that I dont spend my money so much.

I've read the recent updates of everyones diaries and Vee's AA update. All of these entries make me reflect on what I've done. And It makes me change in to something else. I see that being Selfless is really rare among us, so I want to be selfless yet to be selfless you have to be it with out thinking, so it will be hard at first but I think I will get used to it.

My relationship with Nilpahay is going Steadily. Sometimes we talk it seems that we grow closer together and yet there are time that we grow apart. Every time we grow apart I call her and we talk about it. I dont know if thats a good thing but we do and we grow closer together and understnd one another. Though it may seem that I do alot and she does very little, it is no so true. She does alot for us. It's just that I have to do the things she can't. This way we meet some where in the middle. I feel that seeing her would make me express a joy that can be explained by words alone. What more can I say than I love and I miss you.

Well I got to go. LAters Guys and Gals.

Chung Yang

With no doubt in my heart I love you Nilaphay.

7:57 a.m. - 2003-09-12


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