crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




I wonder how well I know myself. While I concentrate on what images people have of me, I think, what kind of person am I? I like the word humble. Simple, modest, average. Thats how I think of myself. Not much better than all the rest, yet I still retain some potential like everyone. A hidden trait everyone is given. An unpredictable variable that causes misunderstandings, miracles, and miscalculations. I speak my mind. I'm rash and blunt. I smile plainly, with simple smirk. Thats how I see my self. While I see myself in those traits, I try to steer away from hasty actions and thoughts to produce a focus into a new and better being.

I wonder how often readers challenge themselves to see in to their psyche. See what actions they have taken, analyze what behaviors in different situations they have taken, and all the while recording...remembering to see things with a clear and balanced point of view, with no prejudice to oneself.

Autonomy, Wonderful in all its glory, yet holding a key to defecation of ones life, if used unwisely.

Well, thats all for now.

Laters guys and gals.


4:02 a.m. - 2008-05-09


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