crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




Yes procrastinating. I didnt even spell that right thats how lazy I am.

I am suposed to do an assignment due tomorrow. That sure sucks. It has to be about 800-900 words.

Nilaphay thinks im doing it right now. Im kinda sad that she doesnt read my entries at times. But this time Im a happy. I gotta do it. Its so boring, and then I have to correct hers too. But the thing is she doesnt correct anything, NOTHING. Red underlines and everything that doesnt get automaticly corrected she just leaves. I thought up the analogy of me having to clean a toilet, but she goes and takes a crap. Then she clogs it. Not only am I too unclogg the toilet but clean up after her.

I still love her thought dont get me wrong. I guess that what I get when I teach her how to be lazy! hahahahaha.

Well, chuck I agree with you on your views on religion. I still think aliens and ghost are real. Alex, your drinking again? Dont be doin that. ITS BAD. IT WILL FUCK YOU UP. When ever you feel like drinkin call me rather call Nilaphay and I will pick up. Then we can go drink juice with out the gin. And Duel, or have a lan party iono. Vee, I wanted to go too. Chuck didnt even call me, although I am all the way in Ames. I wanted to go, shoot I didnt even go to class that week. hahhaha.

Well thats all for now.

Laters guys and gals.


8:37 p.m. - 2006-09-07


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