crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Heaven Hell Nirvana Reincarnation


I don't try to thought provoking.

Its just that I think.

So many things are going on.

I wonder sometimes if things could be different, but I see that if they were they would not be the same as they are right now.

I am lucky to have friends and a loving family. Luckier even to have a loving and devoted girlfriend. Of all the things I dont have, of all the things that I lack, Its money.

Its a scary thing, money. It does so much and yet all it is, is paper. They are just notes.

But I wouldnt trade my family friends and my loved one for this paper. They are the ones that feed off my thoughts and feelings. They care, question, and love me

If I were to go to Nirvana nothing would happen.

If I were to go to Heaven I would watch and do nothing as the ones I love and care for suffer

If I were to go to Hell I would see the ones I hated and be punished for eternity

If I were to go to live again I would become somthing that I would not know, or even remember what or who I was

If I would do it all again I would

My life is full of hardships, but I would have it any other way. Just watch me be me. I really love my life.

Later guys and gals

Love Nilaphay Always

Chung Yang

5:07 p.m. - 2004-07-23


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