crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


I lost...

oi...yeah i lost..but eh its alright my bros won..hmm nothin really alot of my friends are having problems with there gurls(my friends in pella) yeah haha to bad for them...i guess they dont have the undying devotion or so they think..well iono i miss nilaphay very much and i love her even more than i miss begining to write her that valentines day and birthday poem its turning out ok..i got some opinions and what not....well im wanna go rave but its too cold out side...

well..what else...i got some more cards...and uhhh..well thats all i got a 31/35 on my WR class oi...thats bad should have that all?..oh yeah i had a good speech to day it was very humorous i thought and i talked about nilaphay in that speech nothin bad tho.....well thats all if you guys need a talk oi...

thechung(chuck calls me that)

Chung Yang

Love you always nilaphay..i think..hahaha..nope..i know

2:34 p.m. - 2003-02-05


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