crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


oi...mek oni kai shek

oi nothing new ...she called me at 8 yesterday...yes i happy...i think my skills as a raver is goin down i need to see some more moves and practice more...oi i need some more moves and a new name and some well i hope i see nilaphay this weekend but i got to work blahh!! hate work...well i love her and iono thats a bout it...payce guys and gals...well iono i might say good by but ionothis is to my nilaphay

I just want to hold you forever

Even if it meant losing those words

Through out my entire body I could feel

That my heart was weeping and smiling

Someday, those days that we lost will return again

Those days when I made you grin

So you just have to stay right there like that

And I will smile when you are right by my side

I will show you my tears and tell you that I love you

So that you will weep as well

And your voice would

Echo through out my ears when I hear You say

"I love you too"

5:42 p.m. - 2002-11-14


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