crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


thanks for nothin' but everything


Its not the Korean dilemma that I'm talking about.

I'll xplain when all is said and done.

Another day, another dollar...I guess. Work Work Work, HUH? Work is...Well, work. Had my first confrontation yesterday with a customer. I was just being the same ol' me. And he blew up on me. I just started him down from across the counter and he replied, "I dont like you lookin' at me like that." Then I was like damn, whats up his azz. He walked away. I guess he didnt like dem asians takin all dem jobs. hahahah.

On black friday, I went to the bank thinking I had moneyz in my account cuz I got paid. Well it turns out that my account was closed. Fudge. The money was given back to the Wals-mart. I go to Walmarts and they didnt know the proper action to take. They called corporate. They saw that the money was returned so they gave me cash. Win!

Or so I thought.

I would go to the bank to open a new account. $394.16!! That was the bill I had at the bank. Fudge me again. I cant catch a break. I payed that off. Took 20 bucks and deposited the rest and started a savings account with $0.88. I wish I could step in a cryogenics chamber and sleep for the next 1000 years.

I would go to work that day. To find out that I didnt get holiday pay. FUdGEd.

My holidays was pretty shitty. No thanksgiving. No time with the family. Then I found out that Im allergic to something at work. Im getting this horrible rash on my right hand, and you know what that means.

Well, National Day of Giving Thanks. Well Im thankful for having my health, for the most part. I haz a job. That I have a plan. That I have a pretty optimistic outlook on life. That I'm an easy going person. That I smile in most adverse situations. That I am an individual.

I want to compliment peoples more, I will try to make this natural rather than forced.

Gotta Pick up a bit, do my hair and put some pants on, then im off to work.

Well, more on this later. Stay tuned,

Goodnight ladies and gentlemen,


11:38 a.m. - 2010-11-29


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