crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Chasing calm.

It's been a little under two months.

Aches and pains reverberating through ones body. A mass of muscle and bones creaking with every step and breath. Then comes the angst. Pangs of shame and disappointment. A pulse of regret that turns in to a festering loch of entropy...At the very least spiritually I'm sound. Solid. A bastion of calm and awe. Through all the endless breaking waves of uncertainty, its my spirit that keeps me together.

It's those times when our minds stay still everything else seems to catch up.

The new season has already started. I've planted the new greens and veggies for this year weeks ago and they're coming in nicely.

Calm...Every once in a while, there's that strike of the hoe that gives you zen. It's that space of time when your past mid swing and before your body is ready to accept that blow from the earth. Problems start to evaporate, never fully of course, things just seem to be more transparent. A moment of insight. That feeling can be quite addicting. I'm not saying everyone should go chasing calm, digging up dirt and weeds. There are moments in life where one can gain a sense of calm, insight one own life, and/or a better understanding/connection with the space around oneself.

Hmmm...Today is a good day.


9:29 a.m. - 2016-04-27


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