crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




D-land seems a little dead? How about I give it the breathe of life.

Whew. I keep looking at how I old I am. Its making me think about the things I am yet to do. So much more to do. Wtf am I doing? I'm starting to feel like I should just throw myself to the wind and allow me to scatter. Press the reset button.

I'm still the same aren't I?

The self conscious guy. The constantly self reflective kid. Thinking about whats in front of me. I've been catching myself doing that more as I take the bus, walk, or ride my bike. I look on and wonder. My mind begins to tick. Playing those scenarios that they always play. Would you readers think any worse of me for hitting on a married woman? An under-aged girl? Would yah be mad if I lied about my religion just to be in a relationship? I'm starting to go girl crazy, meaning most girls are starting to look like mermaids. I hoping its a phase.

My mind keeps ticking. At the moment I keep telling myself that everything will be better if I have someone to share my wins and woes with. I hate lying to myself like that. Darn you! Stop that! Its hard finding a person thats on the same wave as I am. Pretty sure thats why things are looking so desperate.

Whew I got that out of my system.


1:25 a.m. - 2012-06-10


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