crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


(sniff) (sniff) thats a good rose


GOB's-So I applied for a supermarket called RAINBOWs, K-Mart, and Target...its been about 3 days and I have yet to hear a call. WTF, Seriously I've spent hours on craiglist and Monster and lets not forget career builder, and i've applied for numerous positions. ITS KILLING ME. I can't catch a break.

Spiritual- It has been pretty stressful the last couple weeks, shoot the last couple months. I've had a couple dreams about me going back to Christianity, but its only when I am backed in to a corner, and I pray for my salvation, I call upon the power of God to deliver me when I am confronted with darkness. I dont wake up from my dream, I dont get saved. I dont get less afraid. I didnt see a light. I just stood, taking and confronting what was peering from the depths of the abyss. A few times I would feel this fear envelop me when I'm half-a-wake, damn. Experiencing this I want to get centered, focused, tuned spiritually. Should I go back to church? I mean it couldn't hurt right? A nice place to meet good girls too? Wow what a nice thought...To bad those girls will most likely been 14-17 buhahaha, why do I set my self up for that stuff. I dont think I could do it. I just cant believe in it. I mean it could have happened, but I dont believe it happened how they explained it, and I believe they have a lot of the information wrong. I spent a lot of time in church, sometimes I just stop for a moment and just let that feeling sink in. It truly is powerful stuff, but I've sat in prayer sessions with Muslims and Buddhists alike, and I can feel the presence of something greater. I think or should I say believe those who first started those religions just interpreted what they felt differently but in the end of the day, the feeling of "awe"(thats what I like to call it) is what its all about. Its refreshing and gives people that quintessential feeling of hope. It fuels their drives for a better tomorrow. Meh, I guess people have their own Vehicles and they get to their destination pretty quick, I guess I'll just walk like I normally do, hahahahaha.

Well, everyone is taking their roads to where ever it may lead them.

FF13 is ok. I'm in Chapter 11, I just rushed through it, I get killed alot. I need to farm or something.

That flowchart of a leveling system can fit perfectly with our lives right now.

It's nice to see you 2 are live? Yah know I guess I can understand why Alex isn't too explicit on his detail with Jessica, with his co-workers reading his Diary an all. To be honest I have no idea how your relationship is going, I've noticed that you're more careful the use of the word "love", from what I kinda understand, thats good. Thanks Chuck, I guess I just have to struggle a little more, but I'm sure that its better than splashing about. Dot worry some day we'll evolve in to something worth it.

I will continue later.

Until next time,


"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.� -Albert Einstein

1:28 p.m. - 2010-03-25


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