crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Lost seeds


Christ! It seemed like I was the only on d-land for a while. I�m just happy to see you guys update finally.

Day by day I keep these logs and it�s given me a sense of calm.

No tutoring tomorrow due to a science fair.

Today one of my students tried to get me to buy her some candy, she gave me money and everything, but I said no, and replied if I did her parents might get mad that I�m giving or buying them candy. So I said that I would get candy on special occasions only. At first I was kinda like awww, and then sad because I know I can�t do it.

I went grocery shopping today. Damn. Nappa Cabbage near 4 bucks a head, I miss free vegetables.

I think I will start keeping small note book with me from now on, just a small pocket note book. I want to start writing my ideas down. I am realizing that some good ideas are lost in the day, but one might argue if they aren�t worth remembering they aren�t worth anything, my reply would be�You sir are an ass. Hahaha nah, I just want to see what goes through my head during the day

Thank you K-ghoul, but I don�t think you should congratulate me so prematurely, there is a lot more to accomplish. That day at the spa sounds like a blast.

Lillian Penelope Kayser...Damn that�s a long name, so many syllables. I think her nickname will eventually become Lily, but you knew that already. I would like her nickname to be Peep. I think it�s cute, and it fits pretty nicely because of her middle name.

I�m going to call it a night.

Good night ladies and gentlemen.


lost thoughts are like unsown seeds

11:18 p.m. - 2010-02-17


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