crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




The holidays seemed like a good way to start this entry off.

Well, let up be off!


It was a good time. Naomi came down with Ching this year, again. The gathering started earlier than usual. Christmas Eve, they came down and we gathered at Pao's house. Mom came and She brought Turkey! Well, Pao made a turkey too. There was great food. We played Magic, like we normally do while the sisters were upstairs preparing dinner. Christmas day came, and we took our usual family pictures in front of the tree, and we performed our yearly ritual of opening EVER SINGLE GIFT ONE BY ONE. Its a 3 our process. Theres a lot of pictures being taken in the process of opening. I got some clothes like usual and yes...Magic cards :( Yeah, I'm pretty tired of magic cards, I guess im like clothes a lot more, shoot socks would be a welcomed change.

The day continued, as we gathered down stairs and organized our newly opened cards. We played and played to our hearts content, which means I got bored and decided to go on the computer. Then something happened. Something that I had seen coming for a long time. Yonah and Pao got in to a huge arguement, and fists were about to fly. Yes. Very surprising. I jumped in and became the mediator. Tears where shed on both sides but the end result got the family closer.

The next couple days at Pao's would be the same. Magic would not be played for a while. People hid in their corners, and kept to themselves.

I would head back to Pella, and spend time at Yonah's for a while. Ching and Naomi would come back home and visit mom. Ching would continue to miss Call of Duty 2.

The day came. Naomi and Ching would Go back to MN.

And I would follow.

I would continue my journey in MN.

New years was Very interesting. I would meet up with what I would call the Usuals. A person I met is a DJ, and well he got us tickets to a new years party that his DJ group was hosting. The tickets were 30 bucks eACH!! The Music at the club was great! well, they are a group of guys that almost strictly play the Techno. Although the music was great the crowd wasn't as great. The party would continue at one of DJ's house. Live music and good company. We ended up sleeping over.

That would bring us to were I am now. 3 A.M.

Well lets leave off here for now.

Laters Ladies and Gents.


�Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be...Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before.�- Erich Fromm

2:52 a.m. - 2010-01-03


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