crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


A Dream's reality of a dream.


I had a dream last night.

I woke up in my dream and a girl was in my bed. It wasnt Nilaphay. She new who I was but I didn't know who she was. Apparently we had a long past with each other that I didnt know about. We were married. She was quite stunning, actually the epi-tome of beauty. It was wierd. She said that she wasnt from around here or anywhere. But I had this feeling I've met her some where before. I dont quite remember the rest of the dream. I know that I was still with Nilaphay, I still loved her. Yet I was also in love with this girl. In the end of the dream she would go away again. But I couldnt shake this feeling of heart-warming and pounding love from her and Nilaphay. It literally made my heart shutter when she left me. It was like a piece of me left with her. She left because something or one was after her, and she was afraid that someone would come after me or something like that. I woke up and I had that feeling of having lost someone important to me. I didnt know if it was a dream or it was real. It was like it was meant to be a dream because someone wanted me to think that. Maybe..... I believe in something. Maybe dreams are from a different reality. Acting as a conduit or different alternet times and space. I dont know there is no evidence to back me up. It could have just been a nice dream. I should take my head out of the clouds, but my head has always been up there and never really down to earth. The strange thing is I still remember her smell.

Thats all for now.

Laters guys and girls.


11:19 a.m. - 2006-11-22


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