crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




Well it seems that i am writing a papaer agian. Once agian Nilaphay is sleeping while i work the night a way.

She looks so sweet n that blanket, asleep.

Well I got a history paper to do. Its over the Romans, and how there expansion may have corrupted their way of life. One to two papge double space with twelve font.

My life seems to be at peace right now, I just have to worry about classes. I really need to start going to all my classes all the time. I know its easy. But some days, it really is so hard to do. My feeling of time has gone away. It goes so fast. I sit there thinking i want to go to class, and then I get hit with this feeling of being down. I cant shake it down, away or anothing. Theres alot of wants that I have and changes that must be down. I know that all i need to do is try. I get a feeling of anxiety and i just cant do it my body just moves on its own.

I went to the free monday yugioh thing. I got a Inferno Reckless summoning. Victory Viper XX03, and Treasure map. When I play this game or anything my feeling of time is gone. These are the moments in which all my worries disappear.

I ate some chease cake. mmmm good.

IT seems that you are pretty down and about as well Alex. I think you should do one final push with lucy. If that doesnt work then you cant say you didnt try...There are plenty of girls out there and alot of girls that you are looking for. If you get really lucky youll find one that like playin video games and cards too ....thats if your really lucky.

So chuck school sucks...i know how you feel. Just think of the goal a head. Graduating. Thats what I want to do. I dont care if i get a good job. I just want a degree and a job so that pao can get off my back.

Well Chris G. Yeah, I dont know.

Chris K. Yeah, Things arent anymore exciting over here as you think they are.

Vee. Well, i dun know. If think that girls not right for you then so be it. There are many in the sea of people. Atleast you know what you want.

Yeah I know get this paper done and over with. I think i will go practice to morrow. for along time. I feel like releaving some stress. its been building up for a while. I just need to get some new tunes.

Well thats all for now.

Laters guys and gals.


12:21 a.m. - 2006-09-19


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