crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




Holy crap!? I guess I've been a way too long...Chris updated.. wow.

I see i pulled through once agian with my unique and yet nerdy peer pressure. How do you like? I really do think you guys should watch it. It reminds me of us hahaha.

Yeah I'm in ames taking summer courses to raise my GPA. I got an 96/106 in my religion class so its an A!! oh yes finally...i took my first test this session and go a 85% im kinda steamed but its no thang....but a chicken wang....hahahaha.

Yeah....Still in ames not working and just going to school every weekday at 7:04 in the morning!!! Yeah that doesnt really suck as much as it sounds.

Nilaphay and I are doing even better than before. Shes gotten more independant and well....iono thats about it. She occasionally get in to our scuffs and what not but we get over it. With our applied skills in out listening class!!! Yes thats right SP COM 113 Listening!!

I think it would be "da bomb" if we all did something for the UB visitors day. Hows that sound? hahahaha thats just a suggestion.

That reminds me a dream, that we did do somethinglike this it was wierd Alex was really good at breakin. Vee did thinks funky move cant really explain it looked like a Spiraling-waving torpedo illusion.......yeah chris and chris were the same chuck and i were the same.

Thats all for now I gotta get to bed.

Laters guys and gals.


11:25 p.m. - 2006-06-19


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