crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




I am on Chris's laptop in my Geo 100 class. The prof is giving out some prizes for doing well in the test,

Holy cow!!! Alex updated...

I dont know what to do this weekend and I guess I'll do what I normally do, and that would be going to the tournements.

Classes are fun..I just had 3 tests this week,

There really isnt anything that is happening to me that is dramatic or life altering. Life is going smoothly. My relationship with Nilaphay is AWESOME. We are working things out and we have our bumps along the road, but we always work things out. How do we do this?! Well, its pretty simple its because.....I have chosen her and she has chosen me. Its pretty simple and some times you have to accept the facts of life and talk things through to go further. Its tuff and I hope that every one will do well with there problems.

If any of you guys have any problems just give me a ring.

Thats all.

Later guys and gals.

Loving Nilaphay Always

Chungmongzong Yang

11:04 a.m. - 2005-02-04


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