crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


All of you.


I guess all I know is Stringing, dueling and video games.

I'm pretty upset, but not really. I felt left out some times too, its just that we don�t acknowledge the individual strengths of our friends.

I know for a fact that most of you guys are smarter than me in school.

Chris K. he is one smart dude. I mean hell, he got the Presidential scholarship for Central. That is pretty good, but it's so expensive there. Your relationships with girls wow... I don�t think I could ever do that, but I am not you, but I think you are dealing with it well. It would surprise me to see Chris married in ten years, but it wouldn�t surprise me to see Chris with three girlfriends in five years....hahaha. But any ways, you have a lot of distinct natural abilities, and if life was a role-playing game(which it is, with out the saving and instant healing) You would be a natural born leader, you always take the opportunity to take leadership, and when an authority figure comes along you know when and what to do to get your shoe in the door for special chances and stuff.

Chakong V. This guy is crazy smart. But some times stupidly ignorant. But that is how life is. You have a firm grasp on life. you tell it how it is and you are willing to say something when some one wont. Your changing faster than I am and that is just the atmosphere which you surround your self in or are in. I guess you just coupe with the situation in your own way. Its probably some sort of defense Mech. That triggers and I know there is some term for it but I don�t know. You going to make a lot of money someday. I when you get married you will treat your wife fairly and your kids like how you talk to your siblings....hahahaha.

Chris G. A communications major!? You have always seemed to be the silent type. Not saying much unless spoken to. In reality I don�t know you very well at all. The problems you have, you keep for your self and don�t really tell any one. You remind me of a character from a video game. The Best friends main character...hahaha.. Yeah, rarely do you ever do something by yourself. I don�t know...I think its good that you felt that feeling of a girl in your life. But for you to say what�s next... I don�t even know.

John. The life which you have isn�t as messed up as you think it is. Try reflecting a little to see what may occur if you are with that girl. I personally think its awesome that you have a girl. The language barrier is not a big one. In fact it may be a good thing. Although some thoughts are lost within vocal communication. Emotion is not lost when they are expressed just by looking in to her eyes. Still you are young compared to us. Thoughts and Ideas which you come up with now will develop later on and that when you will fullily understand them. In some ways I despise you. Actually it is one...hahahah its that you like my sister, but that�s over with. So I don�t any more. You just need a little more positive encouragement.

Alex K. Sometimes I can relate to you the most. The ideas that you have theories which you uses to calculate relationship chances and occurrences is interesting and yet bogus at times. You watch the world through a lens-cap and if that were to fall off the you would have a new and larger view of the world. I am jus saying that you limit your self to what you do and how you do it. I think what you are doing with Chans is great. I would feel the same way if that were to happen to me. I wouldn�t give up just like that. You�re a great thinker. That is what I think makes you the person that you are. Like I said to Chris G. In a video game I think you would be the Protagonist.

Vee. I will say it again. You are like the secret Character in the game. Hahahaha. The abilities which you have and the struggles you have faced are unparallel to some people. Thought are driven by your answers and questions. There isn�t much to say, but I still don�t know very much of you.

I am glad to say that you guys are truly great friends.


Nilaphay. There are lot of good things I like about you. Some things that I am very proud to say. You take the time to understand. The communication between us has be greatily improved since our last couple months and I know that we have struggled with this, but I think it is that you try as much as me. That is why we are so close. The feelings and thoughts of things are easily expressed by you gestures and appearance. You try a lot. You want to be with me as much as I want to be with you. Not only that. You want to be apart of my family and as my brothers Bruce Yang says �There is no point in having one be there in you life when they don�t want to be�.

That�s all guys and gals.

Like the eternally raging seas, my heart churns and quakes of you.

Chungmongzong Yang

3:12 p.m. - 2004-12-11


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