crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




It's been a while. Theres a lot of things going on. Yonah is making play in the tournaments tomorrow. I have some projects due soon. Nilaphay got her plan changed so I've been talking to her alot lately. Theres a lot of things that need to be discussed and reviewed. Many a things are the little scampers of Love and Relationship.

Nilaphay and I have been doing very well. Though we do not seen each other as much as the other couples we are getting along great. I dont really hesitate to tell her things and she doesnt really do it either. I heard that I am too caught up with Nilaphay. I do see that I am doing that some what and I recongize the pros and cons of the subject and I know that I shouldn't over analyze things like this, because you then take advantage of what you got. I know that I love her. I am yet to find out the extent of my love her. Many of us may say that our love is endless but that is only because we have not found its limit. But right now, I am over doing it but thinking about it. I like how things are and I know that I will love how things will be. I hate to be wise. I hate to think I am. I'm just happy that I have her tell me when to stop or continue. I'm thankful that she is with me.

Oh yeah, I didnt make it guys...Sorry to fail you guys

Loving Nilaphay Always,

Chungmongzong Yang

Nchaa mooj zoo Yaaj

10:18 a.m. - 2004-02-13


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