crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




This one entry is to my one and only

Yeah One whole year of me and her talking and going out. I dont know what to feel. There isnt a since of accomplishment, because there was no goal to achieve. Im just happy that Nilaphay and I are still together. I saw and heard how my like has grown in to love. I see that she has impacted me in my life so much just by being there. Thank you Nilphay. I love you. You are still my shining beacon of life and love. Just hearing your name perks up my ears and raises my pulse and makes me look around. Yeah, I should stop obessing, but for me to do that you need to do the same. Nilphay...yeah I'm happy that we are so close. I'm glad that you are the girl in my life.

Later Guys and Gals

Chungmongzong Yang

I love you Nilaphay

9:10 p.m. - 2003-11-13


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