crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Times at UB


I havent updated in a while. Lets see. Things that are happening to me. I met more people, this always happens in UB, I do alot of school work. I also done a lot of computer work like making a web site for ub. I've Called Nilaphay every night and/or and atleast said good night to her and told her that I love her so. I've talked to Nilaphay alot and well I might see her or I might not. I plan to get a job after UB so I can Get some cash and get the things Nilaphay and my Family Deserves. Well I have alot planned for the future. But wait what about now. Right now I'm thinking of Nilaphay and how much i miss her. How much i love her. how much i miss our days together even though they are few they the moments are treasured. How I miss her warm embrace and her beautiful face.

Right now I struggle to see how I am so good at raving. I Dont really let my self see how good I am. I dont see my moves for what they are to others. I struggle to see what things I still have to attain. I cant really comprehend what is to come of all the things I will do and what i have done. But when those things come Ill face them.

Well thats all its just a brief insight to my wonderous or confusing mind. Later guys and gals.

Chung Yang

Theres no doubt about it. I have those feelings for her and I just want every one to know it. But these feelings cant really be given a name I just call them feelings. and they are good and pure.

8:26 p.m. - 2003-06-25


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