crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Dont stop


Wow, I just read Alex's entry. I was very amazed at all those points he made. Yeah, same here. Although the only place I can really see Nilaphay is in my dreams. She is some sorta dream girl that i miss. I miss her and i love her. It's very true with me as well i hope my relationship with Nilaphay lasts longer than 7 months or a year. Thats because I am trying to find this thing called love.

Why start now? Well many people spend their whole life time finding that special some on so why dont i start now? Yeah so thats what i've done. I hope i have found that some one in Nilaphay. Only time will tell. And love isn't Destiny its a process.

So i say to alex and all those guys reading this entry. If you think you've got it, go for it.

Chung Yang

I think i have it and i wont lose it either.

"Dont hesitate, go for it. But dont do anything you will regret." says the wise ol' Alex Kitthikoune along time ago.

1:10 p.m. - 2003-04-22


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