crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


short and brief

oi..i sit here at home..yearning to speak with nilaphay...yep thats it...

well im goin to go play some D&D at bobs house...hes my firend in pella his names is brandon but i call him goin to go play its gonna be fun need to fight more bad guys..hahaha

well i got her phone number butiono what its for is it house fone or cell it makes me worry what if i call and its he uncle then im screwed...yeah i took the phone up stairs and my mom was like yeah noe calling people i can pay for it all...but i new that ...i cant call nilaphay very often so when i call i call becuase i have agut feeling thats its important...yeah..i miss her a bunch...and i love her as well...but i love her more than i miss her tho...and i gotta tell her my conclusion!!!....

peace guys

Chung Yang

1:59 p.m. - 2003-01-17


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