crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Lots of stuff

oIII..well guys these things of love and hate?..well none of this right now..i need to et to the subeject of my entry and thats that i love my makes me sad that im with out her but when im with her i get feelings of love explode and i feel a rush of energy that gives me new strengths...when i hear her voice call out fo me...well lets say i go super saiyan..well i shouldnt say that cuz she dont like DBZ..i go beyond the limit..i ascend beyond the other guys (chakong chrisk chrisg alex mike Vanakie robert chrisr matt geoff and yeah JT)...then i rave...i rave is then filled with my emotions..its unbeatable...and those guys from WEST LIBERTY Well they better watch out..cuz when i rave for my INVINCIBLE!!!!...and my new move the double inside turn...or the double reverse slash....

WEll now i will talk about my buds...

Theres Chris K....hes goin out with my cuz...hes really kool one of my bestest friends...we have abunch in common...duel monster and raving and our likes with gurls..(not the same ones tho)..but he stop raving so iono

Theres Alex K...hes one of my closest buds...yep alex and i went after the same group of girls and yes both of us got our hearts broken....yep same here same intrest he has some potential tho for raving but he lazy...was an awsome breaker...but not anymore...but still a really good friend....and i did go after that gurl that dumped him...(Nilaphay)

Well theres Mike...yep a hmong guy..hes pretty coo...but eh he has his moments of coolness...hes pretty cool tho..almost too koo for me...yeah he raves at least i think and he has areally nice scamble...

Theres Chris R..hes great a good friend....has a car which is good...but i should use him too much...hes good...same work ethic...hahahaha

Theres Chakong...i've known him since kindergarden...we have alot in common...we've been together for everything we have alot of memories...yeah pretty much hes apart of family as well he spends a lot of time at my house..

Theres Vanak..yep havent talkt to him in a while but hes a good friend...i get along with him great..he talks and i listen...hahahaha...hes great tho...

Theres Geoff....hes kool too i like him very good personality....hmmm what else but he has some troubles with those viets...hahaha..well he could be a good duelst...

Theres Matt hes a good friend...trys to rave..but eh..what else...hes agood allie..

WEll that all guys theres more but my sis wants to get on....but all the guys up there are good friends almost like bros...hmmm Nilaphay..dont forget that i love you ....Good Night Guys and Gals

10:56 p.m. - 2003-01-09


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