crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Is all I do, I do for her? to day the day? today the day i summon up my courage and call her..yet i my self am to scared to do will i call her...i cannot call long distance any longer..but..i could cuz every one is asleep..ooi..iono i feel as if i should give up..but im not..cuz i love her and it hurts my heart so..a large mix of emotions is stiring inside of me..sadness and happiness co-existing within my heart causing chaos that will make my heart burst..i miss her even as i type this entry..

Every night i say good night to the picture of us..every night i pray to God and ask for his guiding light..ask for his protection and always ask him to bless my loved ones with luck and fortune..and always at the end of my prayer i ask him to protect her and to let her know that i am there and i am loving her..and then i kiss her good night and then i hold a pillow...yeah thats every night...

If only i could see her it'll make me so happy..but to atleast hear her voice...makes me jump with joy..but this feeling now..its some what oppisite to what i once felt when i saw her..i feel kinda sad..but kinda happy but in the end i woud give her my heart, my life, and my world for her..and simply enough if she asked me to stop raving id do it in an instant...thats because my raving doesnt even exist without the feelings i pour in to it..the feelings i get from Nilaphay

12:12 p.m. - 2003-01-03


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