crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


embracing hold

oiii...what to write? iono what is there to write? man my friend alex is having some gurl problems and stuff..and theres more i never get to see nilaphay thats whats getting me down..the next time i see her i want it to be perfect and its gonna the sweetest thing that will ever happen to her..yep i need to get it in my mind cuz thats where it all starts it all begins with me..and i give her a big hug i wrap my arms around her and tell her that i love her and tell her how much i care for her in a way that she will feel for me as well...and then may be jus maybe i give her a gentle kiss on the lips jus a lil one tho yep thats what ill do...iono i hope it wont get ruined by me...well thats all i need to go to lunch..payce

11:39 a.m. - 2002-11-20


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