crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


oi...its fate i guess

Oii this weekend was alright I went to that desmoines church and I found out that its pretty unorganized and its pretty ghetto hahaha well I learned some stuff there like how to understand the hmong language better and now I kno how to read a bit and some spelling as well as the language it self I understood the whole sermon and I was pretty surprised at what was said some of it was pretty deep and most of it was really boring�oi and I almost for got to give mike that letter I was gonna give nilaphay and yeah I also got some new threadz hahaha and now im happy gots a new sweater and some khakis and thas all well I looked for her in the mall cuz she said she would go and that would be one of the few times I will see her well I didn't see her that day and the day before cux chris was suppose to come with his new car and he might have brought me to desmoines and there i could have seen her its like fate dont want us to see each other ooii but then when I got home I tried to call her but she wont there so I called her later and then she was yeah thas all I guess oi this was a long weekend and yess this week I get paid�oi later guys�.payce

10:52 a.m. - 2002-10-28


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