crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Sum Ting Nu

hmmm.. that one gurl ehh? well i like her now and im gonna call her agian tomorrow and well im gonna go rave cuz i seem a bit happier right now.. i think i have some inspiration and well tasha wrote back to me finally and all she could say is that she was too busy to write back and well i guess she can just for get about me cuz i am sure as hell for get about her cuz man she broke my heart and i dont want that to happen agian so blah to heck with tasha and i guess she had her chance and ,i well now i like nilaphay she lives in demoines and guess what? she is asian hahaha well thats good i like her already and i told her im gonna call....but oh shit i gotta work tomorrow ahhhh shit damn it hmmm i gotta solve this problem oi.. and guys and gals i leave you with a poem...

I liked this gurl and she had my heart

the only thing was she and i were apart

i thought she liked me but she liked another

it turns out that it was a friend of her brother

Things like this dont really work out for me

all i can do is think about how it should be

damn i hate this shit all i can do is express my feelings in my words or actions

but these feelings will come to an end like easy math fractions

the thing is i still like her alot and it hurts in side when i think about this

and to think she was my first kiss

i knew this would happen its just my luck

but now i realize im alone and im just a sad lil duck

i keeping goin on my heart ache

but the truth is that my feelings were just fake

and now im done with the piece of writing

and now im done and theres no more fighting

....hahahaha that was a good one oi

5:17 p.m. - 2002-10-17


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