crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary


Interview update.


Monday, Math day.

So where should I start?

The Interview. I left that morning with Ching and Naomi. I would go to Naomi's work place, and meet with her co-workers. I spent 4 hours in a cafe in the skywalk, mentally preparing for what questions they may ask, and finishing up some weekly evaluations of my students as well as preparing for next weeks lesson plan. I went to go catch the downtown bus, and I ended up waiting out in the cold for 45 minutes. I called the operations supervisor to tell him I was going to be late. Oh, boy was I late. I showed up 30 minutes after the scheduled time. We went over my resume, he asked me questions, the usual weaknesses, strengths, talents. I went with the Jack-of-all-trades kinda deal. It was a good interview humorous but not too laughy light chuckles, with a hint of surprise, I saw on his note pad, this guy is very original, I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing now, hahahaha.

Went out the next day, had a few causal drinks with the new set of "guys" here in MN. You can see them on facebook. Chong, Jim, Andrew, Tou. I forgot to mention they play DOTA ALL THE FUCKING TIME.(dont know dota..__-><-__)

Well, with any luck I get this job, I also applied for a gift shop position, working as a clerk, I can see it now. Me with an apron working with flowers and selling candies...sigh I think thats a pretty cool scene, also kinda gay now that I think really hard about it.

Okay, that will be all for now.

Laters Ladies and Gentlemen


Don't worry about finding the right woman, concentrate on becoming the right man.

11:33 a.m. - 2010-02-01


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