crazy-raver's Diaryland Diary




Buhahahaha, Great entry Vee.

Well, Im in the apartment now in ames. Later today I will go gather applications for work.

The gas station looks to be a good place to work. Now that most people pay for gas out side, I dont really have to communicate with the customer. hmmmm.

Well, I agree with what Vee said about money. Hoi boy, I loathe money. Lately it seems when ever I have money in my wallet I just give it to Nilaphay and say here you can have it.

Well, Im glad to be in ames. No more plowing and baby sitting for me. And the Smoke man I hate sleeping and then I wake up to take a duece becasue I smelled adams cigarette smoke. ( yes smelling cigarette smoke smeels to make me feel like I have to take a crap.)

Nilaphay gets out of class soon so I wanna to go shower and pick her up.

Well, thats all for now.

Laters guys and gals.


Oh yeah, I was mowing the lawn oneday and three bunnies ran out from their hole and in the the lawnmower. Yeah, that sucked. For me to clean up that is...damn

9:55 a.m. - 2007-05-14


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